Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Valentine’s Day
I love apple strawberry pie because in the pie the apples are all covered in strawberries. And they put a strawberry sauce in the pie and everything is covered in strawberry sauce. And once I ate like ten pieces of one, and then my mom said that I should stop eating or I would get fat, but I didn’t stop eating because the pie was so good. Then after the first pie I ate like half of the second pie.
I love my cocker spaniel because she likes to sit by people, she likes to be petted, she likes to play, if you fall asleep on the couch she will jump on the couch and sleep next to you. Another thing I love about my dog is that when my dad and I go ride our four wheelers she chases us.
I love my grandma and grandpa because they are really nice, they also ask everyone who is over their house if they would like something to eat like every ten to twenty minutes. And once when my mom and sister went out of state and my dad was not home they took care of me that weekend and that weekend was so much fun. And what’s funny about them is that they are in their 60’s and they hate driving behind old people.
I love my uncle Greg because whenever I eat a lot of food he always tells me that I will turn into that food. And we always make funny jokes together.

1 comment:

  1. that apple strawberry pie sounds so good and i bet it is good! nice blog!
