Monday, October 12, 2009

My Favorite Class

My favorite class was wood shop because it was a hands on class and it helped me find what i like to do. It changed my life because in all the other classes all we do is just sit there and listen to the teachers talking for six hours of the day and just waste time doing nothing and it gets really boring if you just sit there and then the class makes the kids uninterested in the class. The kind of teachers I like are the ones who make the class interesting or fun and not boring and make us sit for a long time. 

The best teacher i have ever had was in elementary school she was the most coolest teacher because she was very nice and she made the class easy cause she let us work with partners and she would never yell at us or give us a ton of home work and if we needed help she would put the question in better understanding so we get what their asking. She was a funny teacher and sometimes she would let us go outside for free time. She had us do a mini economy and it was so fun and we had a bank and me and my friends saved in that money over two thousand dollars and we made a record in the class, we were the richest in the whole school.     

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